20+ Alphabet Printables Preschoolers Will Love
Calling all preschool teachers, homeschool mamas, or parents wanting to provide educatational yet fun activities for their kids. This list is for you. Providing engaging activities that our kids enjoy and will also teach them, doesn’t have to be costly. In fact, it doesn’t have to cost a thing. This whole list is full of FREE alphabet printables.
Free Alphabet Printables
Besides these activities being free, they are also multidimensional. By this I mean they are teaching the ABCs, but also include other skills and elements that our preschoolers need to learn and strengthen. Letter recognition and formation are the keys to further literacy development. Without this core knowledge, they will have a difficult if not impossible time moving forward. There are also fine motor activities, matching games, tracing, and so much more.
Your preschoolers will love them {almost} as much as you do!
Don’t Feed The Monster Alphabet Activity from Stay At Home Educator:
Teaching letters and letter sounds no longer has to be boring and dry. With this game kids will enjoy learning these essential skills. Plus, all you need is the printable game and a few math counters.
Free Printable Alphabet Match from Primary Playground:
A simple activity that is perfect as a literacy center for individuals, small groups or even the whole class. Preschoolers will enjoy practicing letter recognition with this fun game!
Alphabet Bingo from The Measured Mom:
Everyone loves bingo and this printable game is the perfect way to strengthen letter recognition skills for preschoolers.
Alphabet Wall Cards from Preschool Inspirations:
These wall cards are perfect to help display each letter of the alphabet in the room. This is a great way to have a constant reminder or constant reference for little minds!
Name Spelling Practice Sheets from Stay At Home Educator:
The first time children put letters together it is typically to learn how to spell their name. This printable set is the perfect way to help. All you need is a dry erase pocket and dry erase markers to get started!
Alphabet Cut and Paste Craft from Creative Little Explorers:
Crafts are a great way to encourage children to learn when they may not be excited about ABCs and 123s. These printable cut and paste crafts look so fun AND they will add in fine motor skill practice as well!
Alphabet Roll and Cover from The Printable Princess:
A fun game that small groups or individual children will love playing. This can be an extra activity or as a literacy center. This is also a fantastic game to send home with preschoolers to play at home too!
Alphabet Wall Cards from Preschool Inspirations:
These wall cards are perfect to help display each letter of the alphabet in the room. This is a great way to have a constant reminder or constant reference for little minds!
Teach Letter Identification With This Spring Themed Printable from Stay At Home Educator:
An alphabet printables matching game that is perfect for spring or any other time of the year to be honest. This is perfect for a literacy center in your preschool!
Say – Write – Make from Fun-A-Day:
A simple activity that can be laminated and used over and over. With the rainbow theme it is perfect for spring or anytime of the year. This is perfect for helping preschoolers practice letter recognition and formation all in one activity!
Alphabet Playdough Cards from Preschool Play and Learn:
Playdough is a super fun activity that has both a sensory aspect as well as a fine motor strengthening element. Add these alphabet cards in the mix and you have a learning trifecta!
Lowercase Letter Pattern Block Mats from Life Over C’s:
If your kids like pattern blocks, these mats are sure to be a winner. An engaging way to strengthen letter recognition and formation skills!
Alphabet Train from Stay At Home Educator:
These alphabet printables can be played with five different ways. All five are exciting and engaging ways to help preschoolers strengthen letter recognition skills. These would make a great addition to any alphabet center!
Rainbow Alphabet Matching from Nurture Store:
Matching games are always fun. They are simple to prep and can be used by a single child or group. This has a fun rainbow theme, which is always a great idea!
Letter Recognition Grab Bag Activity from The Letters Of Literacy:
Another matching game but this one includes using magnetic letters. Kids will enjoy searching through the basket of letters to find matches on the free printable mat!
Free Printable Alphabet Tree from Primary Playground:
There are many alphabet games out there but ones that are inspired by children’s books are my favorite. This one is beyond fabulous!
Rainbow Letters Race To The Top from Stay At Home Educator:
A super fun, fast paced game kids will love playing. Preschoolers won’t even realize they are learning and practicing an essential preschool skill!
School Bus, School Bus, what do you see? from The Kindergarten Connection:
Whether it is back to school or the middle of April, these ABC buses will be a hit. With multiple ways to play you will definitely get use out of these!
Printable Alphabet Puzzles from This Reading Mama:
Do your kids love puzzles? This free printable set is individual puzzles for each of the letters of the alphabet. Each puzzle is full of beginning sound images inside pieces that complete the shape of the letter, this is great for emergent readers!
Uppercase Alphabet Do-A-Dot Worksheets from 3 Dinosaurs:
We LOVE Do-A-Dot markers. They are a fun way to practice letter formations with a twist!
Mosaic Letters from Stay At Home Educator:
Preschoolers will totally enjoy every moment of this craftivity. They will gain experience with letter formation while using their creativity skills. This is just one way to help strengthen literacy skills!

I’m Sarah, an educator turned stay-at-home-mama of five! I’m the owner and creator of Stay At Home Educator, a website about intentional teaching and purposeful learning in the early childhood years. I’ve taught a range of levels, from preschool to college and a little bit of everything in between. Right now my focus is teaching my children and running a preschool from my home. Credentials include: Bachelors in Art, Masters in Curriculum and Instruction.