6 Apple Theme Math Activities for Preschoolers

Is an apple theme part of your fall preschool lesson plans? Mine too! This year we are trying out six new apple theme math activities for preschoolers and kinder students, too!

These apple math activities make great preschool centers and even busy bags!

Apple Math Activities for Preschoolers – 6 Apple Busy Bags

6 apple theme math activities for preschoolers
6 simple apple theme math activities to practice and build a variety of math skills!

Do you ever need some quiet time? Maybe sometimes a little more than your preschooler? I feel that way every afternoon! (Well, most afternoons).

I love teaching preschool from my home. I love having a job where I can be at home with my little boys, but by the baby’s naptime, I am sooo ready for some quiet time for myself. And since the little boys (unfortunately) don’t nap anymore, quiet time is just the right way for us to enjoy some peace and calm after saying goodbye to our preschool friends.

But quiet time only works if your little one has something newish and fun to do. These six apple theme math activities turn quiet time into something extra special and definitely educational.

Any of these apple activities for preschool work well as math centers or as small group activities during your fall theme. You don’t have to visit an apple orchard or harvest an apple tree to make this tasty theme come to life! Simply implement these apple-tastic ideas, and watch your classroom burst with learning and fun.

FAQ About Teaching an Apple Theme in Preschool

What can I teach my preschoolers about apples?

You can teach your preschooler anything about apples. You can teach them about their life cycle and how to bake apple pies with them. Apples can also be used to teach other science concepts as well as math concepts such as counting, one-to-one correspondence, color sorting, and measurement. They can also be used to teach preschoolers about the five senses.

When should I teach an apple preschool theme?

An apple preschool theme can be taught at almost any time of the year with a food and nutrition theme. It’s great in the fall when apples are generally ready to pick! But it can also be taught in the spring with a garden or weather theme.

What happens if a child eats an apple seed?

This is a good question, especially since we often do apple seed activities in preschool. If a child eats an apple seed, stay calm. Although apple seeds can be poisonous when chewed, it takes a large amount to be dangerous. But apple seeds can also be a choking hazard. To avoid these issues, don’t use apple seeds at all in your preschool apple activities. Instead, use beans painted black or black buttons instead of real seeds.

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6 Apple Theme Math Activities for Preschoolers

The only thing better than apple theme math activities for preschoolers is having six new apple theme math activities! If you are using these for quiet time, that means quiet time will last six times as long, right?

If only.

But I’m confident your preschoolers will love these apple activities!

Materials For Apple Math Activities For Kids

One of the best things about these six math activities is that they require minimal supplies!

These are the suggested supplies, but feel free to adapt based on what you have on hand:

  • A foam die (or a pair of dice if you have kiddos that can work with higher numbers)
  • Apple counters (you can find these on Amazon or sometimes at your local dollar store)
  • Small containers (see the link below for magnetic spice containers, which have a lot of uses)
  • One large bowl or basket to hold all the apple counters

Apple Theme Math Activity #1 – COUNTING APPLES

This apple activity is simple. Roll the die, identify the number, and count. My preschoolers like to count the apples into a container, like picking real apples into an apple basket. We used some small magnetic spice containers.

fun and engaging apple theme math activities for preschoolers
This activity is as easy as the role of a die!

Apple Theme Math Activity #2 – ADDING AND SUBTRACTING

This simple activity makes preschoolers feel like such big kids! Roll the die, identify the number, and count out the corresponding number of apples. Do not return the apples to the main bowl.

Then, roll again. Ask your preschooler to identify the number on the die and whether or not it is bigger or smaller than the last apple.

Then ask, “What do you need to do to make ___?” Your preschooler then has to either add some apples or take some away. Basic addition and subtraction and a beginning step in teaching it.

apple theme counting games for fall preschool theme | apples and pumpkins preschool theme
This activity will challenge your preschoolers to do some great critical thinking, while practicing adding and subtracting!

Apple Theme Math Activity #3 – ESTIMATE & FILL

How many apples can your preschooler pick up with one hand? Estimate it!

Then place the apples in the tin. Does it fill it all the way? Estimate how many more handfuls it will take.

hands on apple theme math activities for preschoolers
Estimation is so much fun and so engaging for young kiddos!

Apple Theme Math Activity #4 – ESTIMATE, COUNT & FILL

Instead of grabbing handfuls of apples, invite your preschooler to set aside how many apples they think will fill the tin. Have them count as they put their group of apples in the tin. Then, check their estimation and discuss.

learning with apple theme math activities for preschoolers
Your preschoolers will get to utilize some scientific skills as they estimate, check, and discuss the results.

Apple Theme Math Activity #5 – MAKING SHAPES

This activity came about naturally. Before doing any activity with new materials, such as these cute apple counters, I always allow time for my preschoolers to just play with them and explore. Making shapes was the result of such play, and soon all my preschoolers were trying to make new shapes. You can expand on this activity by drawing lines on paper or taping shapes to the table.

making shapes during apple theme math activities for preschoolers
So many discoveries unfold when you allow your preschoolers time to explore and play with their learning materials!

Apple Theme Math Activity #6 – COUNT & FILL FROM A SET

One math skill that seems obvious is being able to count a set of objects from a set. In this apple math activity, we filled the tin first and poured it out. Then, we rolled the dice and put the apples back in until it was full.

counting during apple theme math activities for preschoolers
This final activity allows for important skills practice of counting a set of objects.

I love thematic counters for activities like this one. Who knew a simple set of apple counters could be used for so many fun apple theme math activities?!

What else can you think of to do with these counters?

These apple theme math activities for preschoolers are so engaging

Some of My Favorite Preschool Apple Theme Activities

I LOVE the colors, aromas and sounds of Fall, right down to the crunching leaves. Incorporating an apple theme in my classroom is something I look forward to every Autumn!

Here are some of my favorite apple theme ideas:

  • Apple sensory bins- a favorite of mine includes apples (plastic ones last longer!), dry oats to scoop and pour, and cinnamon sticks. It smells great, but also remind kiddos that nothing goes in their mouths!
  • Apple tasting- your preschoolers can taste different types of apples and you can graph their favorites!
  • Apple pie- there is nothing quite as comforting as some warm apple pie! If you have adult helpers, and the means to do this, your preschoolers will love helping and tasting the final product!
  • Apple letters- provide either teacher-made or store-bought apple letters for your preschoolers to practice letter identification, upper/lowercase matching, name practice, and more!
  • Apple seeds- ALWAYS supervise so they don’t end up in little mouths!) Apple seeds can offer great fine motor practice, counting practice, be used in crafts, and more! (*Can use buttons or beans painted black as an alternative).
  • Dramatic play center ideas that include “baking”apple pies, apple picking with baskets, etc.

Need Some Apple Theme FREE Printables for Preschoolers?

Looking for More Apple Themed Activities for Preschoolers?

This apple theme printable activity pack is perfect for your preschool literacy and math centers!

Want to Learn About Preschool Lesson Planning?

Check out these done-for-you preschool lesson plans.

I hope you have fun incorporating these engaging apple math activities into your preschool classroom! I am certain you will love the easy set up and the variety of skills practice provided in these simple centers.

Fall is a special time of year and I hope you and your kiddos enjoy a fun apple theme and all that nature has to offer!


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