fine motor

Showing all 2 results

  • 12 Fine Motor Task Boxes


    This pack of 12 fine motor task boxes was designed with preschoolers, kindergarten and first graders in mind. Featuring a variety of fine motor tasks, these activities also reinforce literacy and math skills, too. From scissor cutting, to playdough, stickers, hole punches and so much more, this fine motor activity pack is loaded with creative, new, and fun activities that get preschoolers loving pincer grasp work.

    Each activity features a hands-on and fun way to practice fine motor skill, and fits just perfectly inside a pencil box, making them super easy to grab and teach, while also making clean-up a breeze. Prep them now and always have an array of fine motor activities available for all the different skills sets in your classroom. They are perfect for morning table activities, fine motor preschool centers, and even can be used as small group activities.

    ~~~ Scroll down to see photos and more of what’s included.~~~

  • 45 Playdough Recipes


    This eBook of playdough recipes was designed with preschoolers, kindergarten and early first graders in mind featuring a 45 unique recipes for making playdough.  From the classic recipe your grandmother made to modern recipes that provide undeniable texture, this playdough ebook is a must have in very early childhood classroom or home.


    • hand muscle strength
    • fine motor skills
    • creativity
    • vocabulary
    • literacy and numeracy
    • science concepts

    Not to mention the therapeutic value playdough has for children!

    All the playdough recipes in this eBook are unique. They each vary in texture, fragrancy, and consistency.