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This *NEW* pack of math activities is designed for preschoolers. Teachers and homeschooling parents can enjoy this bundle as a part of their daily math activities as well as in the preschool math center.

Featuring our most popular products, this bundle includes three products in total and offering fun and engaging math activities you can use with your preschoolers all year long.

This is a limited time bundle of five products:

  • 12 Number Identification and Counting Activities
  • Year- Long Counting Cards (16 sets total)
  • Year-Long Playdough Shape Mats (12 sets total)

That’s 40 math activities in a steal-of-a-deal bundle!

This bundle includes hands-on math activities that target fine motor work along with numeracy skills. 

Each activity features a hands-on and fun way to learn counting and shapes while developing hand strength, fine motor skills, as well as pencil grasp skills. Some even include a sensory piece.

No more simply flashing cards or making matching guesses. And no worksheets.

Check out the photos to see the activities in action!

These activities are sure to keep your preschoolers wanting to learn and practice math skills. Great for younger preschoolers and even kindergarten students.

WHAT’S INCLUDED in the 12 Number Identification and Counting Pack:

This pack is the perfect resource for children who are struggling with number identification.

  • Fishie Friends Number Identification Clip Cards 
  • Visitors From Space Number Identification Puzzles 
  • Don’t Feed the Raccoon Number Identification and Counting Game 
  • Dot Counting Cards 
  • Spacey Number Identification Board Games 
  • Ten Frame Old Maid 
  • Finger Counting Playdough Mats 
  • Star Clip Cards 
  • Counting Ice Cream Scoops
  • Button Flower Counting Cards 
  • Not Your Basic Counting Cards 
  • Ten Frame Matching

WHAT’S INCLUDED in the Year-Long Counting Cards Set:

All the counting card sets include numbers up to 20, and each set also includes a blackline master so you can choose to print in color or in black and white.

  • snowflakes
  • hearts
  • bicycles
  • clovers
  • frogs
  • ducks
  • bunnies
  • flowers
  • ice cream cones
  • stars
  • apples
  • acorns
  • pumpkins
  • leaves
  • hot cocoa mugs
  • penguins

WHAT’S INCLUDED in the Year-Long Playdough Shape Mats:

This pack includes over 250 pages of printable playdough shape mats with every theme in color and black and white.

  • Polar bears
  • Snowmen
  • Penguins
  • Frogs 
  • Robin birds
  • Bees
  • Ice Cream Cones
  • Flags
  • Apples
  • Leaves
  • Pumpkins
  • Acorns
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Tamigachi on Dec 28, 2017

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Act Fast: Grab this one-time exclusive offer before time runs out. This offer is not available elsewhere on the site.